
Monday, September 3, 2012

Selected Reading

The idea here is not to rate anything, but to say, "You should read this and that, because these are the comics I care for." However, if I receive requests for other comics, outside of my personal reading, I will oblige and give you my opinion of the material.

First up I have Before Watchmen: Minutemen #3. This issue tackles the aftermath of the Comedian's attack of Silk Spectre, as well as delves into the background of the Silhouette some more. This issue is fantastic, and I've been hardpressed to find anything remotely offensive to the Alan Moore vision of Watchmen. Darwyn Cooke does a fantastic job as writer and penciller. I have a bit of bias for his art i.e. I fucking love it, but that doesn't make it any less a joy. Seeing the Comedian adopt an all leather version of his costume was particularly enjoyable. His writing is also well thought out, and personally I'd rather focus on the Comedian day in and day out, but the fact that this is a representation of the "Under The Hood" novel, there is a firm focus on Hollis Mason. Which is all well and good, seeing as how the majority focuses on the Silhouette saving a little girl and Nite-Owl's reasoning for breaking the law time and again. The right thing isn't always legal.

Next up is Uncanny X-force #30. I miss Warren. Probably as much as Betty wants to. He's always been my favorite X-man(unless you want to count Deadpool, in all his Marvel-Girl glory). Rick Remender has put out an amazing 29 issues, and I am inclined to believe he will continue to do so. His grasp of each member of X-Force is fantastic. Sadly, this issue doesn't see any of the team, except a flashback with Fantomex and a subsequently funny cameo by him later.  Well it was funny to me, anyway. The issue is mostly about Evan, and a new Brotherhood popping up. I get the roadtrip idea, and behind it is a far more sinister reasoning, but all in all I don't care for it. Why should you read this issue? Cheese puffs.

Lastly is Winter Soldier #9. As it may have been firmly established, I read things that I obviously care about. Bucky is awesome. He's the best resurrected character I've read. Winter Soldier is an excellent series. Ed Brubaker is the masterful storyteller as always, and Michael Lark's art is giving me all sorts of espionage glory to drool over. This is what spy books should look like.  I imagine how Bucky is dealing with Black Widow and the emotions he's going through to be quite similar to hers when he first popped up as the Winter Soldier. Sitwell is the Velma of the group, but he shows that he can hold his own in a fight. In the end, Bucky must choose between "saving" Natasha and capturing Novokov. Of course he chooses the girl.

Till next time,

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