
Friday, April 23, 2010

Foodie Friday: Bento Boxes- Art in-gestion

Bento boxes are a tradtional Japanese (and a few other parts of asia) lunch that is carreid to work or school.  As it was explained to me by 2 diffrent half Korain freinds (both have very tradtional Koreian mothers), the meals are preapared at home by the mother almost as a symbol of the level of devotion the mother has to her children and spouse.  They regailed me with stories of hot dogs cut and then blanched to resible octupie, sandwiches cut in the shapes of popular cartoon charectures, and other ornaite time consuming lengths their mothers went through to produce an entertaing tribute to the love of their family.  If I had a heart I would be tuched by such a sentament.
But the part that really gets my attention is the level of deatil some of these boxes have and the creative use of food and themes the makers put into them.
I submit to you the geeker examples I have found in this area.
"OOOOOOOO" Homer Simpson
Boild egg googaly eyes and a lettuce and sausage hat, Homer is ready for anything.

Super Smash Brother Bento
OK I am really impressed with this one.  just look at the scene that tells wonderful story of how Yoshi Kicks Ass and takes names.  Truly art.

Big Daddy Bento
That's all I Can say.
Duh...Duh...Duh... Duuhhhhhhh
Two of my favorite things that are green- Link and broccoli.

and to round out the carbo-loaded geek-fest, a classic-
My Favorite Chaotic Couple-
Calvin and Hobbes.

Do a Google image search, if you like, and post any other cool boxes you come across in the comments.

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