
Friday, November 20, 2009

Going down with the ship -The Pirates Bay

Anyone who has been paying any attention to the outside world recently would have noticed that pirates are getting slapped around something fierce. Mind you, some are a dicks and have it coming (crazy African kids with guns) and but others are just all about copyright infringement.

It is no big shock that I don't support holding people hostage at gun point, but my feelings on those criminals who have the bad habit of borrowing copies of strings of 1s and 0s are far less negative. Many of us were young and poor in the days of Napster's great reign of file sharing. I may have "borrowed" copies of songs (and nudie pics) from the web from time to time (with the full intent of paying for them later of course).

As time progressed the names and technology invovleved in such media "borrowing" changed, from Napster, to Limewire, to bit torrenting on on. I will admit to nothing, but I kept my eyes open to the evolution of this technology and watched it grow from mp3s and jpg's of nude ladies, to entire seasons of TV shows and movies before they hit the theater. I feel that file sharing and I have almost grown up together, making it one of my oldest and most giving friends (never brings the beer but he is fun to be around none the less).

So it hurt me to hear one of my favorite venues for data dissemination has decided to close its doors. The Pirates Bay after a life of fighting the good fight (for poor people looking for media/ bad fight for the fat cat media kings) has finally chosen to take the recent torrenting advances and legal losses to make this its swan song.

I bid you farewell The Pirates Bay, may you have favorable winds on your voyage to Valhalla. (insert single tear here)

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