The last 2 nights an abridge form of my gaming group got together and decided to try our hand at a game of Alernity. Overall I was pleased by the results. It was fairly easy compared to our normal DnD-3.5 and though there was a small learning curve, it was fast to learn. With most everything based on skills (no feats to maul over) and a varying success damage system made even it possible for the far less powerful characters to contribute to the action. Originally published in 1999, it has sat on a shelf in the gaming bookcase for at least the last 3 years without as much as being read through. Chances are you have a few similar game systems sitting around you house like this (the TMNT and Wheel of Time RPGs just sit there taunting us) but you never get a group together that is willing to try that new exotic and quirky flavor of pen and paper. I highly sugest trying these almost forgoten gems (or turds) out and see what they have kept secret for so long.
(back on point) We had a pretty great time, even the first-timer gf in the group had was laughing and enjoying her self, and we got to talking about possibly pod-casting our gaming sessions. We tend to run good modals, have interesting approaches to problems, and get distracted by the gold, gals, needless gore, and things that make the DM go "God Damn It". Though many gaming groups fall into this category, I though WTF lets go for it.
So be on the look-out for a Gaming Pod-cast soon. I have to figure the best way to record it and post; so it might be a few weeks.
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